Monday, October 30, 2023

 Sound Blog Post

A girl gets up during a football game to hurry and use the PortaPotty before its too late. She is rushed by someone and hurries out but the game ends before she returns.

When coming up with the idea of the story, we decided to do something that no one else had done. We figured out the setting and the time it would be while also taking into consideration how we would make those noises. Using metal bleachers and walking on the grass were the easiest sounds that we could do during school time and the rest could be easily done at home.
When editing, many layers were put on top of each other in order to layer the sounds and add dimension. The sounds and layers all overlapped or were paced to make the scene as real as possible. When making the outline, we would consider how to make the sounds before writing it down, allowing an easy execution. 
When editing the project, the sounds had to be precisely timed and a certain volume. Replaying the project over and over was a crucial part in tweaking it to be perfect. Techniques such as exponential fade were used quite often to make sounds fade out slowly instead of abruptly stopping.

(File called DonaldsonDeters_foley_per8.mp4)

Creative Critical Reflection

Behind "remains;" Here is also the accessible link. Talking About "remains;" Here is also the accessible link.